Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match: Internet listing, matching, and shopping.

Today I am feeling very accomplished. I have spent an inordinately long amount of time at my laptop this evening, but the Internet is helping me get things done.

I created an online advertisement listing the about-to-be-spare-room in my condo, along with a "roommate wanted" ad that will both be featured on the CSU Off Campus Housing search engine. I hate that my current roomie, Molly, is about to graduate and leave me, but I'm proud of her for moving to Denver to follow her dreams ala Elle Woods as she continues her education at big bad Law School.

Looking for a new roommate is always terrifying. Nobody wants to live with a freak, psycho, or creeper, and I'll go a few steps further to say I'm avoiding 420 friendly hippies, alcoholics/party creatures of the night, slobs, and unstable individuals. Is it really so much to ask to find a NORMAL human being to co-habitate with? I've lived with some interesting individuals in my past.

My first college roommate was 24 years old when I was 18, and she thought she was going to get a private dorm room when she accidentally got "stuck" with me. You can imagine her surprise when I showed up! Despite our unconventional introduction, she and I had a lot in common, became very good friends, and we're still friends to this day.

My second roommate was a sorority sister that shared a room with me in our sorority unit. She was a control freak, and by control freak, I really just mean a freak in general. She would go OUT of her way to tell me, "Now Jill, I have a box of personal items under my bed and they are private and you don't want to know what's in there, so DON'T look in my box!" I would calmly reply, "(Insert-name-here), I don't WANT to know what's in your box, and I would never go sniffing around under your bed anyway." That would be her cue to "inadvertently" tell me EXACTLY what was in her box because in all actuality, she really DID want me to know it's contents. I really DIDN'T want to know it's contents. She's no longer a sorority sister.

My next roommates came in a group of five, and one of the five was switched out later. Together, we were the "Six Chicks" and we ruled apartment 28203 at Chatham Square in Orlando, Florida. These were my Disney roommates and I genuinely loved them all. We were randomly paired together from ALL over the United States, accents mixing, cutures swapping, and I'm sure they learned as much from me as I learned from them. I know they at LEAST learned to adopt "yall" into their everyday vocabulary - and I felt VERY accomplished by that!

There was beautiful Snow White (remember we worked for Disney; these may or may not be nicknames!) who taught me to love and appreciate King Cake and the celebration that is Mardi Gras. There was lovely Drizella (Cinderella's not-at-all "ugly" step sister) who made me laugh every single day with her extremely crude humor and stunning dance moves. There was Ms. Incredible, who was the sweetheart of the apartment, and who's personality was as "incredible" as her nick name. There was gorgeous Crystal, who's vivacious spirit made me want to be more like her everyday (and I still swear she's Hayden Panettiere's doppelganger). There was adorable Angie, who accidentally became my "by-default-lesbian-but not really-lover" on Valentine's Day after our Girls Night with the roomies turned into Date Night, and Ang and I were the only ones to miss the memo! And last but not least, there was charismatic Kathleen, the first Japanese-Buddhist-Wiccan I have ever met and roomed with, and I will always remember her lime green pentacle tattoo, her Book of Charms that haphazardly rested under her bed, and Astro, her pet frog that lived in our closet. I have lived with some FASCINATING people, let me tell you! (Someone please ask me to write a book).

Now there is Molly: the bright, organized law-student-to-be, and living with her has been wonderful.

So tonight I've created a detailed online profile of myself and qualities of an IDEAL roommate, and I can only hope and pray that my results turn out better than those of eHarmony and (Not that I really use those sites).

Tonight's "to-do" list also included finding tickets to the musical production of Wicked in San Francisco. I will be there in just two short weeks with my college church group, and I could not be more excited! I found amazing tickets from the production's official website, and now I'm waiting on the "go-ahead" from my Broadway buddies to confirm the official ticket count so I can book 'em!

I love shopping on the Internet. Seriously. It's so convenient. Thank you God for inventing the Internet so I can shop in my pajamas with no make-up on at two in the morning. (Or should I be thanking J.C.R. Licklider, Bob Kahn, and Vint Cerf? - Early science-y types that predicted/described/contributed to the phenomenon that is the Internet).

Either way, the Internet has helped me immensely this evening and I can only hope that the results of tonight's productivity will be promising. Please Internet, don't match me up with anyone more "colorful" than my past roommates. I have achieved the rainbow, I promise. Attract someone similarly like-minded, considerate, and clean. Please?

Oh, and Wicked tickets at half-off would be nice too. Thanks.

That's "the spill",


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Graduate student. Studying public communication and technology with an emphasis in public relations. Publicist for Disney. New media guru.